This is crazy!!! We must fight this!!!

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Excellent work!

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How are black people being screened for SEL? Not only am I white, but my maiden name is Power. I'm 50 years old now and have enough resilience to stay buoyed but.....the kids are taught things that are superficial in an attempt to be kind. For instance, when I said I could easily have dreadlocks because my hair is both curly and coarse my oldest told me it would be cultural appropriation. I let her know that dreadlocks have been apart of Gaelic cultures for over a thousand years. She said "still......" People change as they learn and grow. That's life. Kids haven't lived long enough to understand dynamics. They want to conform and feel safe. This SEL is false security. Acting kind to score points is not safe because it's pretend. It builds paper houses that fall apart and leave debris, confusion and isolation. I bet they discount courage and honesty as well.

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