This article is Part 2 of a 4-article series originally published in the Ohio Press Network
Part 1: Societal Transformation=Spiritual Soup—The Movement to Water Down &"Woke-ify" Religious Traditions
Part 3: Social Emotional Learning—Building a Nation of ”Nones” for the New American Religion
Part 4: Social Emotional Learning is Unconstitutional—A State-Sanctioned Religion
Part 1 of this 4-article series asked the question, “Will religious pluralism look like freedom of religion with no judgment or more like state-sanctioned religion?” The Biden Administration’s recent “United We Stand” Summit should give you some clues.
White Supremacy is the Problem
The September 2022 event, attended by local, state and federal policy makers, civil rights groups, faith and community leaders, technology and businesses leaders, and law enforcement highlighted survivors of “hate-fueled violence” and their family members. While 99.9% of the country would agree that it is never acceptable for anyone to physically harm members of a group simply because of their affiliation to it (race, gender, sexuality, etc.), there were several glaring omissions when it came to recent occurrences of this type. Survivors from the Pulse nightclub shooting, the Charlottesville riots, the Sikh temple shooting, and many other incidents attributed to “white supremacy” were represented but there was no mention of the mowing down of unsuspecting Christmas parade participants in Waukesha, WI or the shooting in the Brooklyn, NY subway that appeared to be motivated by black supremacy. The White House needs the narrative to be that Caucasians are the driving force behind these hate crimes in order to justify more policies to “fix” the mind of society. Not all society—just anyone who identifies as “White,” “Christian,” or “Nationalist.”

Besides a lot of talk about reforming election district gerrymandering, universal healthcare, and providing “more robust worker protections for massage and sex workers,” several long-term “prevention initiatives” were proposed at the Summit to address what they say are the root causes of hate and extremism. One was the launch of a website,, a “citizens’ initiative to address hate-fueled violence in America” coordinated by a “bipartisan” team of former White House Domestic Policy Council members. Another was a 1 billion dollar commitment by The New Pluralists, a supposed cross-partisan group of philanthropic and “field leaders,” to invest in programs that “build bridges among Americans of different backgrounds to foster unity.”
Looking deeper into the projects these former White House Domestic Policy Council members leading this initiative are involved in gives a wider perspective on how “bipartisan” this team really is and the hidden agenda behind the formation of it. Melody Barnes, John Bridgeland and Joe Grogan all serve on the National Advisory Council of the COVID-Collaborative, one of three non-profit organizations owned by Timothy Shriver. This video shows how all three of his organizations work together to not only push critical theory and social justice activism into states’ education systems through mental health initiatives like social emotional learning and action civics, but states’ adoption of Ranked Choice Voting policies as well. The final team member, Cecilia Munoz, is a senior advisor and former vice president of New America, a Soros-funded organization behind both the US Department of Education’s blockchain education pilots and blockchain-based pilots for Ranked Choice Voting. This coalition looks more like it’s interested in election reform and indoctrinating students than uniting the country.
The New Pluralists
Similar to, The New Pluralists are nothing but a front group for pushing policies at the federal, state and local level that benefit Democrats in the name of “democracy.”

It’s no wonder that the major philanthropic organizations listed on their website include many progressive left wing groups like The Rockefeller Brothers Fund who gives grants to groups demanding reparations for historic black injustice. Others like The Charles Koch Institute and the Walmart Foundation are using their money to fund school choice initiatives that will facilitate educational pluralism toward a liberatory education model for all public and private schools. The Fetzer Institute is also listed as a major donor, so one could assume that this initiative is another tool to help them bring about their vision of religious pluralism discussed in Part 1 through interfaith cooperation, a watering down of doctrinal beliefs and an infusion of their brand of “spirituality.” It probably isn’t just a coincidence that the name for the various organizations signed on to the New Pluralists, one of which is Tim Shriver’s other non-profit UNITE, are referred to as “field builders,” using the same terminology found on this diagram in Fetzer’s Spiritual Heritage document.

Pluralism in a Democracy vs. a Republic
Pluralism was the native condition of America at its birth. It arose from the coexistence of groups within the political community who held different views in regard to the most supreme questions concerning the nature and destiny of man, which are basically religious. The founders of our country had to figure out how a community of such incompatible faiths could come together as a society, agree to live in peace and cooperate to achieve the material goals of the community. Their solution was the Constitution, a set of principles that motivated the various religious groups, despite their differences, to participate in the political process. The Constitution reflects the pluralism of society while granting protections for the beliefs of all by establishing a country governed by the rule of law: a Republic. Yet this new pluralist movement does not define “pluralism” as a Republic, but as a Democracy. Our government today, in partnership with businesses and the private sector, seeks to shift the United States from being a Constitutional Republic to a government ruled by the majority (mob rule). They have first done this by shifting the language they use to describe our form of government from “Republic” to “Democracy,” but the difference is clear. Alice Linahan writes: “A Republic recognizes the unalienable rights of individuals while Democracies are only concerned with group wants or needs for the good of the public, or in other words, social justice.” If morality is defined by mob rule, then “imposing conformity, control, coercion, and oppression over those who disagree with their definition of equality, fairness, tolerance, or even love” will be deemed as “protecting democracy.” (Blankley, B., 2015, April 2, The 3 percent’s definition of morality mirrors communism, Islamic State, The Washington Times, “Protecting Democracy” could take the form of paying reparations, eliminating the electoral college and using the popular vote, or doing away with coal or nuclear energy in favor of more environmentally friendly alternatives all for the “public good.”
Are your Religious Beliefs a “Threat to Democracy”?
History has shown that establishing a new religion or spiritual movement can actually end up causing a very motivated mob (See: ISIS). If individuals don’t convert to the state-sanctioned version of morality because of their religious beliefs, will they be considered a threat to the country? A “domestic terrorist” or extremist? An outlier that needs to be silenced, or worse, punished? Considering the current rhetoric coming out the Biden Administration and its cohorts, these are valid questions with a cause for genuine concern, for it will mean the end to religious freedom as we know it.

In order to have mob rule, though, they must grow the mob, and they are using our children and the education system to do it. See part 3 of this article series, Social Emotional Learning – Creating A Nation of “Nones” for the New American Religion to learn more.
Lisa Logan is the host of the YouTube Channel Parents of Patriots and author of the Substack Education Manifesto. As a wife, mother and patriot, she has made it her mission to expose the sinister agenda behind Social Emotional Learning programs to save our children and the future of our country.
I resonate with your comments about the development of a new religion. You might be interested in this article, which I published today on Substack: "The Emergence of a New Religion and the Looming Risk of Another Dark Age".